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Pat and Lorna
Pat and Lorna
Brendan Shanks
Brendan Shanks
Raymond Shanks
Raymond Shanks
Danielle Shanks
Danielle Shanks

The Coolest Couple and their Support Team!

We've always been a family that has loved to work and play together. From road trips for seminars in Calgary and Vancouver to bungee jumping in Whistler, it's all been a family a affair.

While our “kids” are now out in the world following their passions, they're still our support team – they are why we do what we do.

The kids are doing their thing… and we are doing ours in the house in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada where they were all born and raised.

What a Ride!!

Brendan Bungee Jumping

Raymond Bungee Jumping

Danielle Bungee Jumping

Lorna Bungee Jumping (Facing Her Fears)

Pat Bungee Jumping