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  1. Maya Mendoza
    2011-08-22 @ 2:25 am

    Pat, Lorna, as always you make a great point. I would agree that being disorganised inhibits how well we can perform at any task. All that clutter and chaos gets in the way of what we are trying to achieve. I clicked on the More info text link and had a look at the information map. As I am 70% location independent now the more (and better) my on-line tools are for keeping me organised the better I feel – you cant be effective when you do business ‘on the road’ while leaving a paper trail.

    Thanks for all you do ~ Maya

  2. Charles Seay
    2011-10-03 @ 5:14 pm

    Pat & Lorna,
    I have heard said if it sounds and looks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck. When I came across this on your page it grabbed me and read this. Getting organized and staying away from being constantly “overwhelmed” is my task, my to do list. Strange thing happened to me today when I went into a store to look for a book to write, keep track of items and keep notes in. I realized that I have all of the pads I need at home. I am sure if I had seen it (the yellow lined “Legal Pad”) I would have bought it.

    Just like running across your blog entry – there really aren’t any coincidences.

    To your success,
